How can tuberculosis be controlled in a community?

  1. By the early identification, referral and correct treatment of adults with tuberculosis (especially if smear-positive)
  2. By looking for family members, friends or care givers with untreated tuberculosis (TB contacts) when a child is diagnosed with tuberculosis. It is important to look for the source of infection.
  3. By bringing any child who has been in contact with a smear-positive tuberculosis to clinic for assessment and possible prophylactic treatment. This is particularly important in children under 5 years of age and those with HIV infection.
  4. By improving general nutrition and preventing overcrowding (good housing)
  5. By immunising all infants with BCG, measles and pertussis vaccine
  6. By routinely monitoring weight gain in children with the Road-to-Health Card
  7. By using the DOTS strategy
  8. By reducing the transmission of HIV to children and correctly treating children with symptomatic HIV infection
  9. By notifying all cases of tuberculosis

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