- Objectives
- Introduction
- Measuring body size
- The importance of growth monitoring
- Centile charts
- What is a centile chart?
- What are the important centiles on a centile chart?
- What is the normal size for children of a given age?
- What size measurements are usually plotted on a centile chart?
- When is a child larger than normal?
- When is a child smaller than normal?
- How should you plot a child’s weight on a centile chart?
- Can length and height both be plotted on the same chart?
- What is the value of knowing a child’s weight-for-height?
- Growth curves
- What is a growth curve?
- What is the value of a growth curve?
- What is the normal growth rate?
- How fast should most children grow?
- Is weight or height the better measure of growth?
- Is it important if a child is heavier than normal?
- Is it important if a child is lighter than normal?
- What should you do if a child is heavier or lighter than normal?
- Growth patterns
- What is a growth pattern?
- What other growth patterns are common?
- How can you recognise a large-for-age child?
- Which children weigh too much?
- What is a wasted child?
- What is growth faltering?
- How can you recognise stunting?
- What is the long term effect of stunting?
- What is the common growth pattern in poor communities?
- When does the puberty growth spurt occur?
- What is the effect of emotion on growth?
- Overweight and obesity
- The road-to-health card
- Neurodevelopment
- Sexual development