How should the child’s size be recorded?

The infant’s size measurements (weight, head circumference and standing height or lying length) must be accurately measured and noted. The measurements must then be carefully plotted on the growth chart of the Road-to-Health Card.

Weight is a very good measure of the child’s general health and must be measured and recorded at every visit.

The head circumference is important, especially in the first year of life, as it is a measure of brain growth.

If the child can stand, the standing height (stature) should be recorded, as it is the best measure of growth. In younger children, the lying length should be recorded. While weight is a good measure of growth in an infant, height is the best measure of growth in older children.

Details of the measurement and plotting of an infant’s size are discussed in Unit 3.

The child’s weight must be measured and plotted on the Road-to-Health Card at every visit.

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